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BIG EXTERIOR PAINTING JOB: National Wholesale Liquidators

10 Oct

This was a big but fun job… so many square feet!

Our Latest Project: Lead Paint Removal, Part One

2 Oct

One of our recent projects involved removing lead paint from an entire house in Jamaica Plain. First and foremost, we had to completely surround the side of the house we were working on in a gigantic tarp to keep paint debris from floating around the yard. Then the hours of sanding began.  Once the house was sanded down enough so we could apply a tinted primer.  Using a tinted primer often means you don’t have to add two coats of paint in addition to the primer. The more layers of paint you add to a house, the less leeway the house has to breathe.  In New England especially, houses are subject to a full range of ever-changing temperatures so this leeway is crucial to the success of the paint staying put in all it’s finished glory.  Less layers of paint equals a happy and flexible house!

Final pics of this house to be added soon!  You won’t believe the change!

Going Green: Eco-Friendly Paint

24 Sep

When requested, Popular Painting will use eco-friendly green products to complete a project.  There are many great ones on the market. Here is a link to the ones we like:  Benjamin Moore zero-VOC interior and exterior paints and stains.  What green products have you used for painting projects in your home?  How did they perform?

Hello from Popular Painting!

24 Aug

Hi all, it’s Owen & Chris from Popular Painting out of Boston Ma.   Our hope is that this blog will bring some much-needed fun, creativity, and interest to interior & exterior painting and to our business itself.  Our plan is to add new content every few days in the form of photos from our current projects, articles we find useful or interesting, & news from the world of interior/exterior painting and lead paint removal.  We also really want to connect with you, so if you have pictures of projects you’ve worked on, ideas for techniques, product recommendations, or just want to say hi, please do so here.

All the best,

Owen & Chris- the Popular Painting guys